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About Us

Our Mission

Established in 2013 and led by Yvonne Lui, the Hong Kong-based Trust focuses on causes that count, those that make a difference locally, and those global issues that impact persons at home and abroad.  The Trust is working with a wide range of NGO partners with a mission to:

  • Develop sustainability initiatives through innovative solutions

  • Promote the importance of health

  • Enhance the accessibility to quality education and art

The Trust is a longstanding supporter of important causes and institutions, including fellowships, conservation research and frontline projects at Conservation International, medical research through the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, cultural and art education through the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts and Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition. 

Message from Our Founder


As a mother, I am passionate about giving all individuals the chance to learn and grow up in a world where they can thrive and be inspired.  I believe that we must tackle modern challenges and explore and empower solutions for our own and future generations, so that they may flourish.  We must ensure that the Hong Kong community of today is well informed and educated on the value of our global ecosystem.  We eat, breathe and drink nature; we build our schools and our homes on the foundations of this world; and so we must teach its importance.  

As a scientist, I believe in the power of progress.  I want to act as a catalyst, bringing together the brightest minds for the betterment of society.  Together we will research pressing problems, invent smart, focused solutions and then deliver real impact through a thoughtful and structured approach.  By doing this we will sow the seeds for a better world for our children, a world in which they will grow and prosper. 

For me, this is not a choice.  It is my responsibility.  For my children.  And for everyone’s children.

- Yvonne Lui

About Our Founder

Yvonne Lui is a Board Member of Conservation International, a global non-governmental organisation promoting conservation and sustainability. She is Honorary President of the Hong Kong Federation of Women, and a Trustee of Peking University and the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. She is Vice President of the Organising Committee of Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition, and has also chaired several non-governmental organisations in Hong Kong, including acting as the Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong United Youth Association. Lui established a disaster relief wing overseeing operations during earthquakes in Sichuan in 2008 and Chinghai in 2010. She has also sponsored local medical and sanitation clinics in remote communities in Hubei Province. She was formerly a member of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

Lui received her Bachelor of Science and PhD in Chemical Engineering from King’s College London.

More on Our Founder’s Views