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Wildlife Photography Contest 2025 Winners Announcement

Yvonne Lui

We are excited to announce the winners of our 2025 Wildlife Photography Contest: Wild Wonders: Capture Nature’s Majesty! We received a large number of amazing entries that showed the beauty of different wildlife and emphasized the significance of environmental conservation.

Congratulations to:

Gold Award:

Participant: Chow Wo Ming @leochow03

Title: Beginning of Love

Location: Tai Po

Silver Award:

Participant: Cheung Hin Kit @rance__wildlife

Title: 蛇年扮「蛇」?! The Year of “Snake”

Location: Pat Sin Leng

Bronze Award:

Participant: Tseng On Kei @hkdiver_mydivelife


Location: Tai Mei Tuk

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all participants for their exceptional contributions.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to inspire positive change through the art of photography. Stay tuned for more exciting contests and initiatives. Together, we can make a difference!