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Filtering by Tag: Health

Following a plant-based diet

Yvonne Lui

For foodies like me, following a plant-based diet seems an unexpected choice. What led me down this path? It’s running. Since I started running, I have been inspired by many ultra-marathon runners whom maintain a strict plant-based diet because of the multiple benefits that it offers.

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Not Born a Runner

Yvonne Lui

Running has never been my cup of tea, and as a Thalassaemia minor (a person who has a defective production of hemoglobin in the blood and suffers from anaemia type symptoms) running is even more of a challenge.

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Running to Relax

Yvonne Lui

Following a turbulent few months in Hong Kong, with the coronavirus posing a risk to us all, I think that the best medicine for Hong Kongers would be to get outside and exercise.

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