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Running to Relax

Yvonne Lui

Following a turbulent few months in Hong Kong, with the coronavirus posing a risk to us all, I think that the best medicine for Hong Kongers would be to get outside and exercise. Whether you walk, jog, run or cycle, let’s release those endorphins!  However, don’t forget to practise physical distancing.

Yesterday I put on my running shoes and tackled the Happy Valley to Aberdeen Reservoir trail. I followed the course along Tai Hang Road, Stubbs Road to Aberdeen Reservoir. It’s still dark when I set out - I preferred running at daybreak to avoid the heat and the crowd , especially these days.

This was a fairly short and manageable route, despite going uphill for 400 feet within 800 metres. It’s not a race. it’s just about the feel-good factor. By the time I reached the Aberdeen Reservoir, the sun was up and I paused to admire the glittering water and take a deep breath of fresh air.

There’s no excuse to not try and lead a healthier lifestyle, after months of restrictions and confinements, causing stress and anxiety. it’s important to get out and exercise for both your body and your mind.